Step 1
Click on GET STARTED and Sign up
Using your details or directly using your Google account.
Step 2
You will see your unique link
As soon as you have signed up. You can send this link to your friends and family.
Step 2
You will see your unique link
As soon as you have signed up. You can send this link to your friends and family.
Step 3
You can promote a specific product
Just paste the product link from our website into the box just below your unique link. This will create another link for that individual product.
Step 4
Share it with your friends and family
to become our Brand Ambassador and start earning with FarmDidi.
Step 4
Share it with your friends and family
to become our Brand Ambassador and start earning with FarmDidi.
Step 5
Money will reflect in your account
As soon as they have made a purchase using your unique link. You can keep track of your sales from your dashboard.